Cute blouse and a more cute leather look-a-like jacket.

I like the dress, it’s so cute! And look at those pretty colors..
I also wanted to show you something about another lovely brand I really like: Guess. Always when I’m shopping in one of my favorite shops (Boavista), I betray myself on always looking at the Guess-side of the shop. Always when I’m walking into the shop, I have to give a look at the Guess clothes. Well, a few weeks ago, I saw a blazer and immediately I fell in love with it. It was just so pretty. But I didn’t like the price, 220 Euros.. So I decided to wait with buying until sale begun. And sale it was! The blazer was for half it’s normal price, so now it was 110 Euros! But, some days before, I spend my last money and I hadn’t enough for the blazer. Again a few weeks later the sale was on its top: half of the price for the half of the price! So the blazer was now only 55 Euros! Am I lucky or what?

I love your blog and thank you for opening up my eyes about the sno'b brand I have never heard of it before. As for GUESS the best thing I love about that store is I will always find something that makes me fall in love and have to buy it. It is a bad habit I know but I cannot help but buy things I really like such as their clothes.