
For my private lessons for the French language, I have to go every day to Amsterdam. Yesterday I had some time left and I went to the Kalverstraat to have a look at Zara and H&M's. There was this veryyyy big sale at H&M's. Usually I hate sales. I hate it when people are running around and grab everywhere like crazy for some shirts for only 2 euro's. I went immediately to the H&M Trend/Pink Label section on the third floor. And also here was a big sale. So I bought a very cute blouse which I wanted for a loooong time, for only 15 euro's! Here's the combination I made with it yesterday:
Love, Peace and Shopping.
Love, Peace and Shopping.
Love, Peace and Shopping.
Love, Peace and Shopping.
Love, Peace and Shopping.

PS, I bought this really nice dress at Zara! Outfit pictures are coming soon.

6 opmerkingen:

  1. Echt een gave outfit!!
    En leuk dat je ook naar londen gaat, laat maar even een berichtje achter tegen die tijd en dan geef ik je de info ;) Lekker sale shoppen is natuurlijk altijd leuk!!

  2. Die top heb ik ook, mooierd hè! En, geslaagd? :D

  3. Pff balen zeg! Naja, volgend jaar een nieuwe kans en dan komt het helemaal goed! :)


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