Why don’t we have a Topshop store in the Netherlands? More of that later!
The always sweet Fashionology has tagged me!
The rules:
1. Respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.
2. Tag eight other un-tagged people.
The Questions:
What is your current obsession? O.P.I. nailcolours, blazers, leather and braids.
What is your weirdest obsession? I don’t really have an obsession, I think. Well, my boyfriend is gone for a few days and I really can’t be alone, so I’m sending him messages all day long. Think it drives him crazy, hihi.
What are you wearing today? My (favorite) Hugo Boss jeans, with a dress worn as a top from Guess, my suede Guess blazer, my Indian look-a-like Amigo shoes and my brand new Guess bag. (Think I’m obsessed with Guess)
Why is today special? Because I’ve been tagged and never was before. And the sun is finally shining after a lot of rainy days. I love the sun!
What would you like to learn to do? I would love to be a fashion designer. Or to be the manager of a hotel. Or to work at Vogue, Elle of another great fashion magazine.
What’s for dinner today? It’s a surprise for me! But I hope something vegetarian or spaghetti.
What’s the last thing you bought? Two O.P.I. nail colors (Tickle my France-y and Parlez-vous OPI?) and some magezines. It’s a long time ago I’ve been to the city for some shopping, think I’ll go tomorrow to Arnhem.
What are you listening to right now? To the new album of Lady GaGa (Disco Heaven) and the song is called ‘Fashion’.(Title song of Confessions of a Shopaholic)
What is your favorite weather? When the sun is shining all day long! I love to walk on the beach with just a bikini and sunglasses on.
What is on your beside table? My phone, lipgloss, iPod, a Viktor&Rolf magazine (it’s from my presentation I had to do today) and a burberry catalogue 07/08 for a new blog!
What is your most challenging goal right now? Get good grades, because I’m still on High School and I really want to do something I like. Maybe I will go to the Hotel School. Maybe I will go to the Fashion Academy.
What do you think about the person who tagged you? Fahionology is a very sweet girl, who has a beautiful sense of style. She’s an inspiration for me!
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully funished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? In the middle of New York or L.A.!
Favorite vacation spot? Spain, I just love to go there. The people are beautiful, the food is delicious and the sun is always shining.
What would you like to have in your hands right now? The whole collection of Matthew Willamson for H&M, the blazers, shoes and pants of the Balmain fall 2009 show, the A01804 Chanel bag (the one who Lauren Conrad has) and a brand new Emilio Pucci sunglasses.
What is your favorite piece in your wardrobe? My mango shoes! It’s too bad I have to save them for my prom, I would love to wear them right now! Oh, and I’m still in love with my Ray Ban Wayfarer.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? To the new Topshop store in Soho! It’s so beautiful! (see the picture)
Which language do you want to learn? Spanish! But when I can speak French very good, I’d be happy with that too.
What did you dream of last night? About studying at the Fashion Academy in Amsterdam. Next Saterday I’ll go to the school to take a look.
Who do you want to meet in person? Viktor & Rolf, Justin Timberlake, Karl Lagerfeld and Stella McCartney.
One thing that you would snitch out of someone’s closet, with no regrets? Fashionology’s whole outfit from 27/03/2009. Love the whole outfit, the boots, the blazer, the T and the bag!
What is your dream job? As I said, I’m not sure of yet. Maybe a hotel manager. Maybe a fashion designer. Of maybe I’ll work for a magazine later.
I’ll never leave home without.. Mascara on my lashes, my phone and my Ray Ban sunglasses. (yes, even on a rainy day!)
It’s not following the rules, but I’ll tag some other un-tagged people later!
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