Headband Alert!

What do you think?

Love, peace and shopping.
Look one: with my hair split(?) in the middle
(help me out, I don't know how to say 'middenscheiding' in English!)

Love, peace and shopping.
Look two: with my hair split(?) on the right
(and I also don't know how to say 'zijscheiding' in English! Shame on me!)

Which look do you like better? I think i prefer the second look..
And what do you think of the make-up? It's not for school or something, it's more for going out! Here's a close-up:

Love, peace and shopping.

Let me know what you think!

10 opmerkingen:

  1. 2nd! I loooooove head/hairbands btw! Accesorize has great ones btw - I bought like 5 today :)

  2. second look, bought two headbands today at primark! reallllllly love them!


  3. I really like the second look and i love your make-up!

  4. Leuk, ik heb er net twee besteld!

  5. Super gaaf!
    heb er zelf ook zon 1!
    zelf doe ik altyd de 1e in de midden scheiding!
    omdat dat meer het hippiegevoel geeft:P
    maar de 2e is ook super!
    kan allebei! en afwisseling is leuk!
    mooie fotos (L)


  6. beide vindt ik leuk, zou denk ik 1 doen, meer een whitney-á-la-the-city-feeling..
    en je oog make-up is amazing, ook een x proberen :)


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